Link Types

The “Link Types” portion of the Process Dashboard shows a count of the types of links that were encountered including: regular links, folder links, external web links, unsupported links and any other link types that were encountered which do not fall within one of the previous categories. An overall total number of links processed is also displayed. The pie chart and associated link type counts are dynamically updated as a process is performed.

The following describes the different links types:

File Links

This field shows the total number of normal links between files, including hyperlinks and OLE links. Regular links  that are valid/working can usually be inoculated.

Folder Links

This field shows the number of links that point to a folder instead of a file. Folder links cannot be inoculated and cured, but can be fixed by using the LinkFixer Advanced  Modify Links process.

External Web Links

This field shows the number of links to external web locations. External web links cannot be inoculated because the target (child) file cannot be open and modified. By default, LinkFixer Advanced does not validate external web links (to see if the link is valid), because the latency of the internet would dramatically decrease performance. LinkFixer Advanced can be set to validate external web links by going to "Options | Web Access | Web Options".

E-mail Links

This field shows the number of links that point to an email address instead of a file. Email links cannot be inoculated and cured, as there is no child file in which to store the LinkFixer Advanced fileID. However, email links can be fixed using the LinkFixer Advanced Modify Links process.

Unsupported Links

 This field shows the total number of links that cannot be verified to be either valid or broken, or which contain invalid characters or other parsing errors in the link path. 

 This also includes Internal links that point to locations within the same file. Internal links cannot be inoculated and cured. These links usually do not need to be processed, because they will not break when the file that contains them is migrated or renamed.