Each LinkFixer Advanced function creates a complete set of reports about the files and links that were processed by that function.

When you run the separate "Create Reports" function from the LinkFixer Advanced ribbon, LinkFixer Advanced generates reports from the accumulated contents of the database.

In this article, you will create a report of the links contained in the files in the database as of the moment you run the report. This report provides a detailed description of the parent files and the links that are contained in these files. 

If you have not yet run any LinkFixer Advanced processes, you will need to at least scan some of the provided sample files in order for there to be some data in the database. 

  1. To create a report, click on the {Create Report} button available in the top ribbon menu, as shown below.
  2. The “Choose Report” screen shows that you have three options to create a new report. Just below the ribbon on top of the main screen area, you can see two directional arrows that take you to the previous or next step in the process. These steps are listed in the left side pane of screen as well.
  3. “Choose Report”: Select the “Regular Report” option for this lesson. This Regular Report is the same as the “Scan Report” you just produced in the "How do I scan my files using LinkFixer Advanced" article, except that the Regular Report has additional capability to filter files and links.
  4. “Report Options”: This screen allows you to specify options for the report you want to create. For this lesson, leave the options set as shown below.
  5. Click on “Filter Files” option in left side pane and the “Filter Files” section appears in right side section, as shown below.
  6. Select “Process files matching specific file extensions and wildcards” option.
  7. Check the “Excel” option to process only Microsoft Excel files as shown below.
  8. Select the “Process all links in selected files” option to process all links available in selected files, as shown below.
  9. “Preview Matching Links”: In this section, you can see the files and links available for processing in parent files and child files that meet the selection and filter criteria set in the previous steps.
  10. Click the {Next} arrow button.
  11. Click the {Run} button. The “Regular Report Process Dashboard” window is displayed while the process is running.
  12. When the report process is complete, click on the {View Process Summary} button on the top ribbon menu to see the Regular Report of the selected parent files, child files and links, as shown below.
  13. Click the {Close Print Preview} button, or the red “x” in the upper right corner, to close the LinkFixer Advanced “Regular Report Summary” window.

Other more-detailed reports, based on the same current "snap-shot" of the database, are accessible by clicking {Processed}, {Skipped} and {Exceptions} on LinkFixer Advanced ribbon.