Generally, once a file has been inoculated, it stays inoculated. The linkID or fileID is stored in an out-of-the-way location in the file, and usually is not removed or altered by ordinary file operations such as "edit", "copy" or "move".

It is possible to remove the inoculation of a link by removing that link from the parent file. Any new link that replaces a deleted link will not retain the inoculation of the prior link.

It is possible to remove the inoculation of a child file by deleting the file or over-writing that file with another file of the same name.

Of course, it is also possible to remove the inoculation of an entire set of files by restoring those files from a backup that occurred before the files and links were inoculated.

Any files that become "unprotected" by any of the above actions will need to be "re-inoculated" before they can be migrated to a new location and cured. Files and links that have not been inoculated cannot subsequently be cured.