Here are the descriptions of the column headings of the .CSV reports:

Important: For a summary of all Action and Result codes and what each one means, please see LinkFixer Advanced Codes.

Scan Detailed Report

ALog TimeTime the file was processed and the entry written to the log.
BTypeTells whether this row is reporting on a file or a link.
CParent FileThe absolute address of the parent file.
DParent ExtensionThe file extension of the parent file.
ESizeSize of the file in bytes.
FModified TimeThe “Last Modified” time stamp of the parent file.
GFile IDThe current File ID of parent files. 0000-0000-0000-0000 or “null” = No File ID
HLink#The assigned number of each link within the parent file. Blank for file rows.
ILink IDThe current LinkID for child files. 0000-0000-0000-0000 or “null” = No Link ID
JLinkThe text of the link from the file. May be different from the absolute path.
KChild FileThe absolute path of the child file pointed to by the link.
LChild ExtensionThe file extension of the child file.
MInoculation StatusThe current status of the link.
Working UnprotectedWorking link that has not been Inoculated
Working InoculatedWorking link that has been Inoculated
Working Inoculated ChecksumWorking link that has been Inoculated both via LinkID and checksum - a computed value based on file contents
Working Inoculated Checksum TempchecksumWorking link that has been Inoculated both via LinkID and  temporary checksum - a computed value based on file contents
Working FolderA folder link that is working
Broken UnprotectedA broken link that has not been Inoculated
Broken InoculatedA link that was Inoculated but is now seen as broken
Broken FolderA link to a folder that is broken
WebURLA link to an online web address
An internal link pointing to the same file as the link source
OtherFTP and other links

NAction CodeThe code for the action that was occurring when an exception or result occurred.
OResult CodeThe code of the exception or result being reported. Usually zero (“0”)
PResult DescriptionA description of the exception or result being reported. Usually blank.
QSolutionRecommended handling for the exception or result reported. Usually blank.
RResult Category
ScannedShows all files that have been scanned or processed
Scanned with warningsShows all files that have been scanned but have broken links
SkippedFiles that have been skipped. See columns N, O, P, and R for handling

Inoculate Detailed Report




Log Time
Time the file was processed and the entry written to the log.


Tells whether this row is reporting on a file or a link.


Parent File
The absolute address of the parent file.
DParent ExtensionThe file extension of the parent file.


Size of the file in bytes.


Modified Time
The “Last Modified” time stamp of the parent file.


File ID Before
The File ID before the process. Only applies to files. 0000-0000-0000-0000 = “None”


File ID After
The File ID after the process. Only applies to files. 0000-0000-0000-0000 = “None”


Link #
The assigned number of each link within the parent file. Blank for file rows.


Link ID Before
The Link ID before the process. Only applies to links. 0000-0000-0000-0000 = “None”


Link ID After
The Link ID after the process. Only applies to links. 0000-0000-0000-0000 = “None”


Link Before
The text of the link from the file. May be different from the absolute path.


Link After
The text of the link from the file. May be different from the absolute path.


Child File
The absolute path of the child file pointed to by the link.
OChild ExtensionThe file extension of the child file


Inoculation Status
The status of the link after the process was run. Blank for files.
Working Unprotected
Working link that has not been Inoculated
Working Inoculated
Working link that has been Inoculated
Working Inoculated ChecksumWorking link that has been Inoculated both via LinkID and checksum - a computed value based on file contents
Working Inoculated Checksum Tempchecksum
Working link that has been Inoculated both via LinkID and  temporary checksum - a computed value based on file contents
Working FolderA folder link that is working
Broken Unprotected
A broken link that has not been Inoculated
Broken Inoculated
A link that was Inoculated but is now seen as broken
Broken Folder
A link to a folder that is broken
A link to an online web address
An internal link pointing to the same file as the link source
FTP and other links


Action Code
The code for the action that was occurring when an exception or result occurred.


Result Code
The code of the exception or result being reported. Usually zero (“0”)


Result Description
A description of the exception or result being reported. Usually blank.


Recommended handling for the exception or result reported. Usually blank.
UResult Category
ScannedShows all files that have been scanned or processed
Scanned with warningsShows all files that have been scanned but have broken links
Files that have been skipped. See columns N, O, P, and R for handling