Yes, LinkFixer Advanced can be launched from the command line, or from a batch file, by executing the file: “C:\Program Files (x86)\LinkTek\LinkFixer Advanced\LFAcmd.exe”.

Executing this file without any command parameters displays the following help text:

Important: Do not run the Command Prompt as the administrator. This causes LinkFixer Advanced to be run as a local admin, which may not have read and write privileges to target file shares. 


LFAcmd.exe -t=<task> [-s=<settings file path>]


t = Specifies the task to perform. Choose from one of the following:
Scan = Scans files into the database.
Inoculate = Inoculates files.
Cure = Cures broken links.
MoveRename = Moves/renames files and links.
ModifyLinks = Modifies links.
RegularReport = Creates a regular report.
CrossReferenceReport = Creates a cross reference report.
BrokenLinksReport = Creates a broken links report.
ClearDatabase = Clears the database.
ClearLog = Clears the log file.

f = Specifies a folder path to process. If this parameter is not provided, the folder selection specified in the settings file is used. Multiple folder paths can be specified.

ff = specifies a text file containing folder paths to process. Each line in the file must contain one folder path. If this parameter is not provided, the folder selection specified in the settings file is used.

r = Specifies a rename rules files to use when running either a Move/Rename or Modify Links task. 

o = Creates a temporary OneDrive network location using the specified URL.

sp = Creates a temporary SharePoint On-Premises network location using the specified URL. 

spo = Creates a temporary SharePoint Online network location using the specified URL. 

u = Specifies the username for the temporary network location. This option must be specified after the URL option.

Note: Only accounts that support basic Username and Password authentication can be used. SharePoint/OneDrive accounts that use Office 365 with or without MFA, SSO, or Federated Authentication, will not be able to use this option. 

p = Specifies the password for the temporary network location. This option must be specified after the URL option.

Note: Only accounts that support basic Username and Password authentication can be used. SharePoint/OneDrive accounts that use Office 365 with or without MFA, SSO, or Federated Authentication, will not be able to use this option.  

s = Specifies the settings file to use. If this parameter is not provided, the active settings file is used.


  • lfacmd.exe -t=Scan
    LinkFixer Advanced will only scan files under preselected folder(s), specified by selecting the folders from the UI. The default settings file is used.
  • lfacmd.exe -t=Scan -s=MyCustomSettings.xml
    LinkFixer Advanced will only scan preselected files under folder(s), specified by selecting the folders from the UI. A custom settings file is used.
  • lfacmd.exe -t=Inoculate
    LinkFixer Advanced will only Inoculate preselected files under folder(s), specified by selecting the folders from the UI. The default settings file is used.
  • lfacmd.exe -t=Inoculate -f="C:\Users\Public\Desktop\LinkFixer Advanced\Sample Files\Excel Sample Files"
    LinkFixer Advanced will Inoculate files under the specified folder path above. The default settings file is used.
  • lfacmd.exe -t=ModifyLinks -f="C:\Users\Public\Desktop\LinkFixer Advanced\Sample Files\Excel Sample Files" -f="C:\Users\Public\Desktop\LinkFixer Advanced\Sample Files\Word Sample Files" -f="C:\Users\Public\Desktop\LinkFixer Advanced\Sample Files\PowerPoint Sample Files"
    LinkFixer Advanced will run Modify Links on files under the specified folder paths above. Each folder path is separated by a -f={folder path}.  The default settings file is used.
  • lfacmd.exe -t=ModifyLinks -f="C:\Users\Public\Desktop\LinkFixer Advanced\Sample Files\Excel Sample Files" -f="C:\Users\Public\Desktop\LinkFixer Advanced\Sample Files\Word Sample Files" -f="C:\Users\Public\Desktop\LinkFixer Advanced\Sample Files\PowerPoint Sample Files" -r="C:\LinkFixer\RenameRules.csv"
    LinkFixer Advanced will run Modify Links on files under the specified folder paths above. Each folder path is separated by a -f={folder path}. A Modify Links ruleset has been specified. The default settings file is used.

  • lfacmd.exe -t=Cure -spo="" -p=SPO_Pa$$word -f=" documents/folder1" -f= documents/folder2" -s="C:\LinkTek\Settings File\LinkFixer User Setting.xml"
    LinkFixer Advanced will run Cure as a task. 
    It will add the temporary SharePoint Online location ""
    It will authenticate to the temporary SharePoint Online location with the specified username and password.
    The files in the two folder locations, are in the scope of Cure.
    A custom settings file is used.  

Command Line Parameters

Only two parameters are required to run LinkFixer Advanced from the command line. The parameter “-t” specifies the task to be performed, such as Scan, Move/Rename, etc. The parameter “-s” specifies the name of the startup file containing the settings to be used.

By default, settings files are saved in the “Settings” sub-directory of the “LinkFixer Advanced” folder on the common desktop. This default path is “C:\Users\Public\Desktop\LinkFixer Advanced\Settings”. LinkFixer Advanced assumes that settings files will be found at that location. When specifying the “-s” parameter in the command line, you only need to specify the full path to a settings file in the case where you have saved the settings file to a different location.

If no “-s” settings file parameter is specified, LinkFixer Advanced uses the settings contained in the default settings file (LinkFixer User Settings.xml).

The “-t” task parameter is required and must be used as shown above.

By default, settings files are saved in the “Settings” sub-directory of the “LinkFixer Advanced” folder on the common desktop. For operating systems other than Windows XP, this default path is “C:\Users\Public\Desktop\LinkFixer Advanced\Settings”. LinkFixer Advanced assumes that settings files will be found at that location. If you have saved your settings files to a different location, you will need to specify the full path to the settings file when specifying the “-s” parameter in the command line.


When LinkFixer Advanced is invoked from the command line, it will not display any wizards screens, prompts or progress bars. However, it will display a text message showing the percentage of completion of the LinkFixer Advanced process that is being run, such as: “Inoculate started. Completed: 75%”.