Before reading this article, we suggest you go over the "How do I use the "multiple credentials" feature for SharePoint Online" article first. Link:

LinkFixer Advanced version 5.3 or higher has the ability to allow multiple SharePoint Online IDs to combat throttling. In line with that, a CSV file containing unique SharePoint Online IDs can now be loaded for maximum efficiency and ease-of-use.

How to import multiple SharePoint Online IDs from a CSV file

  1. Download and open attached file "SharePoint Online IDs Import Template.csv." This will serve as your import file template.
  2. Specify Authentication method in column A.
    UsernamePassword - for basic non-MFA authentication.
    Office365NoConsent - for MFA-enabled accounts. This method will not be able to retain the "modified by" and "modified date" fields in files.
    Office365 - This is the preferred authentication method for MFA-enabled accounts. This will have the ability to retain the "modified by" and "modified date" fields in files.

  3. Enter the unique SharePoint Online IDs in column B
  4. Enter respective passwords in column C. Leave the password field empty for Office365 and Office365NoConsent authentication type.
  5. Set value to FALSE for  column D "Password Encrypted by LFA." 
  6. Save as a CSV file
  7. Go to the "hamburger" menu on the top-left
  8. Select "Network Locations" 
  9. Click "Add | SharePoint"
  10. Enter the SharePoint Online Site collection URL
  11. Enable "Multiple Credentials" by ticking the box for it. 
  12. Click "Import" 
  13. Locate your CSV file containing your unique SharePoint Online IDs
  14. Specific to Office365 and Office365NoConsent authentication, the password for each UserID has to be entered. This only needs to be done once per User ID per machine.
  15. Make sure to click "Test Connection"
  16. All set!